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Monday, March 11, 2013

Mom's day out

I finally had a kid free day over the weekend.  It was a long time coming and it was AMAZING!  I had been kind of freaking out in a (overwhelmed mommy who needs a break) kind of way and I finally unloaded my wrath upon Jason.  To make a long story short Jason had the kids all to himself on Saturday and I left the house early and stayed gone until midnight!  In the words of Kenny Chesney:  Glory, Halleluiah, Good God almighty I never wanted nothing more!!! 
My mom and I drove to Rochester and went bumming around.  We had lunch at our favorite spot, Applebee's and met an ironic stranger.  I ordered a beer and our waiter asked for my I.D.  He noticed we were from Lacrosse and laughed saying his parents live in Lacrosse.  Turns out his parents live right across the street from my parents on Loomis street.  How completely coincidental.  After shopping around we decided to go to the Vogue and have a few drinks.  It was so nice to be gone all day long with no obligations or time to have to be home by.  The kids even slept in a little the next morning and I woke up feeling fresh and new despite the few drinks I had.  Austin woke up at 7am but went back to bed for a while after eating and Riley slept in until like 10 which never happens so that was nice.

When Riley woke up he says "Mom I was missin you."  He says the cutest things sometimes.  What a little sweet talker that boy can be.  He will talk your ear off sometimes.  He loves to be the center of attention.  The other day he was telling me about how him and his dad are going to go hunting in the woods.  He says he is going to shoot a bear and that he will protect me from the bears in the woods.  My mom and I told him he shouldn't shoot a bear because it could be a mommy or daddy bear and that wouldn't be very nice.  The first thing he remembered when we got home was how he wanted to go and tell his dad he can't shoot a bear because it could be a mommy or daddy bear.  Ha!  Jason said he would make sure it isn't a mommy or a daddy bear, that they would only shoot single lonely bears in the woods.  Riley says and "no baby bears either."  He is alright with shooting a lonely, single bear though.  Funny kid.  It is funny the things kids remember.  Riley is into a lot of things these days.  He likes "Super Hero Squad"  "Spiderman"  "Thomas the Train"  "Buzz Light Year"  Monster trucks and his all time favorite "Lightning McQueen".  He has about 15 Lightning McQueen cars and yet he always knows if one is missing.  It is hilarious but not so funny when you can't find the particular one he wants.  Riley is definitely all boy but he does save room for his sensitive side.  He also loves to watch "My Little Pony"  every now and then.  His favorite pony is "Rainbow Dash".  

Austin is still Mr. adorable!  He is a great walker now.  Sometimes he will crawl over and put his little face next to mine and just sit by me for a few minutes as if to say "I love you mommy".  He spends most of the day walking all over the house.  He is not afraid of anything.  He loves taking baths, listening to music, dancing, chasing after the cat,  playing the drums, reading books, pushing the T.V remote and eating.  He is good eater and always wants to share whatever it is we are eating.  He never wants to be left out.  He loves ice cream of course.  Next weekend he will get to have his very first birthday cake with ice cream.   We survived the first year of life.  I am so thankful for my brave, content and happy little baby Austin and my sweet talking, funny and spunky little boy Riley.  God must have created them just for us!

Funny thing that happened tonight when I got home from picking the kids up.  I was gathering all the stuff to bring into the house and I had my hands full carrying the baby and a bunch of other stuff.  Riley climbed into the front seat and was pushing all the buttons on my car that he could find.  He turned my hazards on and I could not for the life of me figure out how to turn them off.  I knew it was right in front of me and I have turned them off and on before but I could not remember how to get them off.  Kind of like when you spend 10 minutes looking for your keys and all the while you have them in your hands.  I felt like such an idiot!  The neighbor lady was yelling over trying to help my by instructing me where to find the button and I still couldn't find it.  I spent a long time trying to figure it out.    I called my dad to ask him but I finally found the button by myself.  It was in an obvious spot of course.  Only me!!!   



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