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Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Spelling Pride

So proud of Riley for acing his first two spelling tests.  School is hard and more so for parents these days, especially mom's.  Yes dad's put in time too but us mom's are always the ones filling out the paperwork, making sure the notebook is signed and having everything ready for the next day.  Women like to be prepared and that is why we get stuck with all the preparing.  Just remember to thank your mother because chances are she did a lot of behind the scenes work to get you the things she knew you needed. 

I work at a clinic with thousands of women and one of the most talked about stresses are school homework.  Of course getting it done is attainable but not without a lot of work, frustration, self control and preserverance!  We may not agree with the math mountains, story problems and dreaded explain your thinking questions but this is the reality of school and if we want our kids to keep up we better keep up too because they are going to need our help!  Kindergarten sure ain't what it used to be.  Gone are the fun and games and here to stay are the late night homework and may the grace of God be with you because you  will lose your patience often.  

Our hard work of practicing spelling words every single day paid off.


Monday, September 25, 2017

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Refreshing Routines

Feeling accomplished after the first week of school.   Have a great routine of spelling words and homework right after school then supper, play outside, reading and in bed by 8.  It's hard to stay on that schedule but i have pulled it off every night this week.  I'm hoping and praying we will continue this way because the kids are so much better when they get to bed at a decent time with school in full force.  Not to mention all the expectations school brings with it.  I can't be more happy that the kids go to the same school, it is so refreshing to have one drop off location. 

Tonight I went for a run and enjoyed the colorful leaves that are slowly beginning to appear.