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Sunday, January 24, 2021

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Beautiful Sunset

President Joe Biden was inaugurated today.  I do not claim to know the will of our God and I am never surprised by His ways.  So many amazing christian people are fiercely fighting to keep Donald Trump as president because they believe it is God's will?  I do not personally believe Donald Trump is God's anointed man but I will never speak on things I could never know.  Only God knows.  Still here we are with a new President and God has allowed this to happen.  I bless President Biden and welcome him as our new commander and chief just like I did when Trump was sworn in.  Now is the time to humble ourselves and trust God is above it all.  When I hear christians spewing conspiracy theories and raising their voices in angry warfare demanding the election was stolen from Trump it makes me sick.  Sometimes we miss the huge plank in our own eye while we are self rightously claiming spiritual warfare against something God never called us to fight against!  May the true prophetic words be spoken and God's mercy uphold us during these times of tribulation.  God bless America and ALL of its people.  None of us are exempt from being decieved!  

Some christians think this way:

What’s consistent throughout is the belief that Donald Trump and the coronavirus pandemic are somehow necessary agents to the proper functioning of God’s plan. Anyone who gets in the way is the enemy, an agent of darkness."

"More astonishing still is how widespread in rural America is the belief that the hand of God is working miracles through an excessivey-tanned and obese former reality TV personality. Yet according to exit polls in the 2016 elections, fully one-third of Trump’s votes came from evangelicals. So, for the purposes of trying to understand Trumpworld, I have to treat this line of thinking seriously."

I for one never felt Donald Trump was God's man.  I have voted republican and democrat.  I believe God can use anyone.  I am proud to say I never voted for Trump.  I trust God when things go my way and when they don't.  We all will stand before God and when we do our self rightousness won't save us...God's true rightousness will prevail and I'm just glad I don't have to worry about it because He has it all under control.  I am.not the judge, thank God, we as humans are ALL prone to deception so praise the Lord that he is not.  He is the judge so no worries, all that is wrong will one day be made right.  No matter what happens to me in this life I can rest assured God will get the glory in the end despite my shortcomings.  

I also got my second covid shot today!  I'm fully immunized! I feel blessed to have gotten it so quickly.

Sunday, January 17, 2021