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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Another day in the life...

Last night was not a good night.  Riley's night light burnt out and he had a huge crying tantrum because he was afraid to go to sleep without his night light on!  Darn it!  I tried to think of a solution.  Searched the house for batteries to put in one of the Christmas angels that lights up.  Strike one!  No batteries in the house were strong enough to make the angel bright enough.  Then I tried putting my small lamp from my room behind his bookshelf in hopes it wouldn't be too bright.  Strike two!  The light was too much and Riley just wanted to play with all of his toys rather than go to bed.  Finally I remembered the baby monitor in Austin's room that we never use and I plugged that in for Riley.  Homerun!  At least he would then stay in his room.  I could hear him in there bouncing on his bed until 230 am and I finally moved out to the living room so I could get some sleep.  Needless to say I was tired this morning.  So was Riley.

Today started out like any other.  It seemed to drag on and on as I could not wait for it to be over.  Kelly and I are going to see a concert tomorrow night and I am so looking forward to it.  I was hoping for a low key night at the house tonight but there is no such thing.  Riley was extra spunky tonight and I was extra tired.  Good combination!  I spent the night watching parts of "The Incredible Hulk, Spiderman and the Rise of the Guardians.  Riley running around exclaiming "Hulk smash!"  He would pound his fist on me and say "Hulk Smash" over and over.  I told him I don't want to be hulk smashed and this just made hulk smashing me that much more fun!  Gotta love boys and there super hero powers!!!  Austin was able to feel the power of a hulk smash too.  He was not impressed and neither was I.  Poor Austin, he will learn to tap into his super hero power a lot younger than Riley ever did.

Bed time tonight is still in process.  Yes I am typing right now but in about 2 minutes I will be hearing footsteps and a voice saying "Mom?"  Riley is not in his bedtime groove tonight.  He would rather bounce in his bed or keep trying to come up with new ways to extend his bedtime.  I have to come up with new ways to keep him in his bed.  It is not always like this, I mean at least half of the time Riley goes to bed good.  He is a great kid but he likes to stretch his limits and especially with me.  He is so comical sometimes that it is hard not to laugh at him when he is naughty.  Hopefully he will grow up well.  We all hope to do the best by our children but a lot of the time we have no idea what the hell we are doing ourselves.  Parenting is a learn in process and sometimes you are not the perfect parent.  Sometimes you are happy just to make it through the day.  Sure there is a book out there for every little thing you can think of on parenting but ultimately we learn by doing it ourselves.   I don't always know what to do but I always try to do the best I can.  Thank goodness we can ask God for help in our lives and hope for his power to help us.  There is no such thing as a perfect parent, just as there is no such thing as a perfect child.  We are all a work in process.  Oh how I love to go off on tangents. blah blah blah

Anyways I better pack my stuff for tomorrow now and get some sleep.  Can't wait for tomorrow night!                 

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