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Thursday, December 31, 2020

Happy New Year

 New Years Eve 

It has been a rough year for everyone.  I am proud of us though.  We are all finding our ways through the wilderness and I truly can see the light in the distance.  

Got my first dose of the covid shot on Tues

day.  It is the right thing to do, for me anyway.  It feels great to say I got the covid vaccine in 2020.  

 I have learned so much this year.  I have learned I am stronger than I think I am.  I also have realized how strong everyone around me is too.  When life gets hard you have to get smarter to find your way.  I am thankful our family somehow made it through the year and survived!  I have learned not to focus too far ahead but instead to focus on each day.  We don't know what the future holds but we can just focus on each day being thankful we found our way through it.

Cheers to a New Year filled with goodness and blessings.  


Thursday, December 24, 2020

Christmas 2020

 This Christmas is so different from the normal.  Still it's not all bad.  I mean my parents are healthy, my sister is healthy, my kids are doing ok with virtual school despite it's challenges...Riley made the high honor roll list...I'm proud...he tries really hard and has been so responsible with his assignments.  Thank God I can count on him...God knew I needed a boy just like Riley to help me survive.  God also knew I needed a boy just like Austin to entertain me and keep me on my toes.  

Not gonna lie virtual third grade has been no treat.  I remember when Riley was in third grade ...all those simple math problems but using common core.  After a long busy day at work I just can't wait to come home and help solve a third grade math story problem and remember to SHOW YOUR WORK and LABEL the answer!  I've always hated math.  Still the boys and I have done our best to adapt to this ever changing pandemic nightmare of 2020.  Somehow we are still happy, healthy and hopeful.  It is true that you can be happy anywhere if you just appreciate the good things.

It is Christmas Eve and Jason is snoring on the couch.  He worked third shift last night but stayed up and made us a wonderful dinner.  The boys and I played scrabble and they are now playing video games before I drag them to bed because Santa is coming.  There is that beautiful excitement of Christmas in the air.   Nothing like being a kid on Christmas Eve.  Though we can't gather together as usual our hearts are happy thinking of each other and knowing we are all ok and will conquer this battle.  I am sensingg a wind of change in the atmosphere and I have faith relief is on the way.  Hang in there...Merry Christmas 2020