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Monday, September 29, 2014

A new door has opened. (Coon Creek County Park)

Today I am reminded of a quote.

“When one door closes, another door opens, but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us.”
- Alexander Graham Bell -

Life is unexpected.  Every day we encounter change and as I get older I find I don't embrace change so willingly.  Change is scary and reminds us we can't control everything and some things are uncertain in life. 

Anyone who has kids knows finding daycare is a stressful task and not one to be taken lightly.  We have been so blessed to always have excellent day care providers.  I was so sad to learn Tammy would be quitting and was dreading having to look for someone else.  Amazingly we found someone already and I knew she was the right fit after just talking to her on the phone.  Jason and I met her today and decided to choose her right on the spot.  I feel so relieved and thankful that all things happen for a reason and all things work together for good.  Feeling thankful.

Here are some pictures from last weekend at "Coon Fork Creek County Park".  Jason and Riley went fishing on the boat so Austin and I went to a new park to explore.  Had a fun day enjoying what will probably be the last 80 degree day in fall. 

Austin is an amazing 2 year old hiker.  He walks all over and actually enjoys himself.  My little nature lover.

This photo is so odd.  The reflection of the trees under the bridge looks like a magical hole you could jump in that would take you to another world. 

I got about 10 photos of Austin like this.  He kept doing this and saying "my butt picture" then wanted to some and see the photo.

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