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Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Busy Weekend (Grandpa 90th Birthday Party, River with Gabe, Tree Frog)

Had a busy weekend. 

On Saturday night we had a birthday celebration for my Grandpa who turned 90!  He still looks happy, lives in his own home and is still married to the love of his life for 65 years now.  He has 11 grandchildren and 6 great grand children with another one on the way.  Talk about leading a blessed life! 

We surprised him by bringing his sister, Ginna, to celebrate his birthday too.  I think that was the best gift he could have gotten.  They are the last living kids in the family and they don't get to see each other much these days.  They used to get together for shopping and dinner every Friday but now that neither can get around too well they have stopped.  This was an emotional moment for everyone. 

Then on Sunday we went on the river for the day with Heath, Carrie and Gabe.  The kids had a blast chillin on the sand bar and luckily it was a warm sunny day for them to enjoy it.  Probably won't get anymore of those days.

Here are some pictures of an awesome tree frog that climbed up my back door the other night.  I was just about to go to bed and I flipped the deck light on and it scared the heck out of me.  It was huge and I never have seen a frog that could climb up a window before.  I looked it up on the internet to find out what kind it was.  It was huge.

Here are some pictures from my week.  I like my new cell phone, even though it is the same one I had before I swear it takes better pictures.

Lastly here is Riley's school picture for Kindergarten.

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