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Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Labor Day Weekend

Went to Kelly's Saturday through Monday.  We went to a place called "Old World Wisconsin" in Eagle, Wisconsin.  It had tons of historic houses, churches, cabins and a school house that were moved from places in the state of Wisconsin to the site.  Most were restored to look like they once did and only a few were the actual structures.  It was a really cool place to see and we had fun. 

I was so excited to go to this place.  Felt like little kid excitement.  Life is too short not to get excited and enjoy things once and a while. 

Here are some other photos from Kelly's.

Riley has his first day of Kindergarten tomorrow.  He is excited and I am nervous for him.  I have the rest of the week off so that makes it nice.  Tonight was kind of a rough night.  Riley wanted to run through the sprinkler so I let them.  Then they were filling up buckets with water and Austin kept tipping it over so Riley got really mad and started screaming and having a tantrum that the entire neighbor hood could hear....embarrassing!  I ended up carrying his wet flailing body into the house to listen to him scream indoors.  Then Austin had a fit too because he wanted to stay outside.  I knew running through the sprinkler was a bad idea.  They went to bed good so that was a better ending to the night. 

Austin is so darn cute.  His new thing is he likes to say "Thumb up."  He actually puts his thumb up right sometimes but otherwise he just puts his finger up and says "thumb up".  Riley is trying to teach him the right way.  He is Riley's mimic literally.  Whatever Riley says Austin says. 

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