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Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Bad Day

Today was a BAD day!  Yesterday when I picked Riley up from school his eye was bright red and pussy and I knew he had pink eye.  Rushed him  to the express care clinic right before they closed(thank God)  because otherwise it would have been urgent care with infestation of sickness and expensive visit for a quick and easy thing not worth the money.  So we got the eye drops and Riley spent the day home with dad as he needs to be on the drops for 24 hours before going back to school.  Then when I went to pick Austin up at daycare Tammy informed me she will be quitting daycare and we will have to find new daycare at the end of October!  Huge bombshell and feeling very stressed.  Got home and made supper then was headed out to the store and right as I pulled out of the driveway Austin projectile vomited twice in my care.  Big mess all over the car seat and car!  Got the kids out and back in the house.  Attempted top clean the mess up with two kids screaming in the background.  One of those moments when you would just as soon have an adult tantrum and say I can't deal with this but then you realize OH YEAH I am the adult and I HAVE to deal with this.  So I took the car seat apart and put it in the wash machine then cleaned my car as best I could.  Riley's eyes are still bright red but they say he can return to school tomorrow so I guess that is what he will do.  Then when I got the car seat pad out of the drier I realized I couldn't remember how to put the damn thing back together again.  So this was a bad day and I am feeling wide awake right now at 11pm so hopefully I get some sleep. 

Have a bunch of pics from our weekend but will post later.  Here was one of my favorite ones.


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