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Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Tonight I read Riley a book about Jesus.  Reading the book sparked some questions from him.  He asked me where Jesus is.  He has asked me this question many times before and you always think you would have a good answer until a child asks you this question.  It is actually a really hard question to answer for a little boy to understand.  I told him Jesus is all around us.  He created the world and everything in it and he is always watching over us even though we can't see him.  He responded by asking "When will Jesus come to our city?"  Well I tried anyway.  I told him that he is in Heaven above the clouds and we will get to meet him in person one day.  He then responded by saying "I can't wait until I get bigger and can get some web shooters that will take me above the clouds."(something along those lines)  Ha!  I ended the conversation telling him that Jesus loves him and always will no matter what.  Seemed like a good statement to end on.

God help me to teach my children about who you are.  You are indescribable!  

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