Please do not take my photos without my permission.

Saturday, March 8, 2014


Today was warmer with lots of melting snow.  Had plans to take Riley to a movie with Carrie and Gabe.  On the way to drop off Austin I drove through Brice Prairie to take some pictures.  I found a cool spot for a picture and pulled over on the side of the road, my wheels were spinning and I realized I might be stuck!  I panicked and drove further into the ditch instead of driving out the right way.  Then I tried my best to get out but just got my wheels buried deeper in the mud.  I was going to need a tow truck.  I was supposed to be at a movie with Riley in 40 minutes and this was not good.  I tried knocking on a few doors but no one answered.  Riley told me he could push me out because he really wanted to get to the movie.  We spent almost an hour waiting for my dad to get there and he couldn't get me out either.  Luckily a neighbor near by was able to get his son to pull me out.  I was so embarrassed and I learned my lesson, NO MORE stopping on the side of the road for a picture unless I know for sure I won't get stuck!  My kids were amazing and sat peacefully in the car the whole time.  I still cannot believe I did that and I should have taken a picture of my car stuck in the ditch, that would have made a good picture!  We did make it to our movie 40 minutes late and Riley had a fun day despite my idiot behavior.


Here are some pictures from barns.  At least when I took these pictures I didn't get stuck in a ditch.



Got my shower curtain!  It is absolutely perfect.  I love it.

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