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Friday, April 12, 2013


Today was a great Friday despite the weather.  I had the day off and woke up to a winter wonderland but it melted fast.  Nothing like an April snowstorm to get you thinking about Spring! Ha!  Riley looked out the window and was very excited to see the snow.  I said to him "Aren't you sick of the snow?  Don't you want it to get warm outside?"  He replied "Some days I want it to be warm outside and other days I want it to snow." Honest enough. 

Didn't really do much today.  Took the kids to the car dealership.  How exciting!  Actually it was exciting for them.  They have a little play room(thank God) with a whole bunch of toys for your kids while you wait for your car to be serviced.  I had a head light out that needed to be replaced and got my oil changed.  It took 2 hours and 15 minutes to complete the job.  Seemed like a long time but I wasn't in the complaining mood today so I just smiled and said "thank-you".  My kids were well behaved so that helped. It is crazy how fast 3 months goes by.  Time can be measured by oil changes.

Austin seems to have contracted a cold.  YUCK!  My kids seem to always have snot oozing from there noses and it is so much worse on your baby as they cannot blow there nose.  I always feel guilty in public, like everyone is glaring at me thinking get your snot nosed kid out of here!  Unfortunately if I stayed home every time one of my kids had a cold I would never get anything done and would probably never leave the house.  Whatever, germs are good for you sometimes. Without germs you would never build up any type of immunity. 

You never know what life is going to throw your way.  Some people seem to have it all and others struggle day after day.  No matter what someone always has it better than you and someone always has it worse than you.  Life is not easy for any of us but some people seem to get it all and more.  The real things in life that matter are not things anyway.  Money is nice but it doesn't last.  Ask anyone who has serious health problems and they will give you all there money to be healthy again.  Faith, hope and love are the best gifts in this life and when the end comes those are the things that I want to have.  Here is a great bible verse I came upon today.

  I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength.
—Philippians 4:12-13
And now for some pictures...


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