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Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Try your best and ask God to help with the rest.

It has been nice being home the last couple days with free time to clean the house, run errands, start supper early, take a nap or do whatever I feel I want to do.  I just want to savor these 2 weeks I have before I am thrown back into the daily grind with deadlines, work, stress and not enough time to get it all done.  Unfortunately there is no way to slow time down and in a blink of an eye I will be back to the daily limbo of life.  Time is precious.  Time really is love.  Time is more valuable than a lot of things in this life.  It is so important to manage our time the best we can with the people that need it the most.  Time slips through our fingers before we have the chance to get it back.  Once it is gone we can't press rewind we can only try to spend the rest of our time wisely.  It is so weird how as a mom I can't wait for free time but the moment I have it..... all I can think about is my kids.  I wonder how their day is going, I wonder if they are doing ok, I miss their cute faces and even their sad ones but I remember it is important to allow myself time is healthy.  As a mom it seems we want to do it all.  We want to keep the house perfect, be the best wife, the best friend, the best parent, the most beautiful and it seems everyone around us knows just what the BEST is supposed to look like.  I hate pressure and I think pressuring ourselves to always be the best will always exhaust us.  I think mom's need to cut themselves some slack and realize perfect is an impossible thing and it is ok to have fact flaws are what make us humble, interesting, unique and beautiful.  Perfect is an illusion and reality is most of the time hidden behind a façade.  Though my life may not be perfect it is cherished and has many wonderful things to rejoice over.  I long to always look for the good in things and always strive to make the not so good things better.  We can only try our best and ask God to help us with the rest.  Here are some pictures of my day hanging out with the boys.

Riley wanted me to make cupcakes for his treat for his birthday tomorrow so I made those this morning.  Glad he will have a yummy treat to share with him classmates tomorrow.  He was very excited to see I made them.  


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