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Monday, July 15, 2013

At the Bird Sanctuary

Austin was 16 months old as of yesterday.  He is an adorable but stubborn little rascal.  He was always such a sweet, quiet and peaceful little baby.  Look out world here comes Austin the howling toddler!  Ha!  Don't get me wrong he is still my sweet and cuddly buddy but now he has a voice of his own.  He only has one cry and that is the "screaming until your throat goes horse" kind of cry.  Jason has nick named him "the howler".  He has a strong will and lets you know when he is NOT happy!  His facial expressions alone tell you exactly what he is feeling.  I love it though.  His personality is spunkier every day.  He LOVES eating Cheetos and he likes to try and feed himself now.  He loves eating with a spoon and if you try to feed him he grunts at you as if to say "No!  I want to do it!"  Babies sure grow up to be big boys fast.  Especially little brothers who can't wait to do everything big brother can do.  He also has a fascination with chairs.  Rocking chairs, kitchen table chairs, patio chairs, bench's, couches and any other thing you can sit on.  He likes to pull himself up all by himself and plop down like he is a big boy.  He  gives kisses on command.  He is a very affectionate and loveable guy.  Oh how I love him.

     Riley is doing great these days.  He is an awesome big brother and most of the time is very sweet to Austin.  He calls Austin "Bud" all the time.  Even when he takes his toys or has something he wants he will say "No Bud, give me that back."  It is sweet. 

Riley is really into playing baseball lately.  He loves going to the baseball field across the street and hitting balls.  Jason bought him a bunch of tennis balls so we can pitch to him and he can practice hitting.  He is a good little hitter and it is a good work out running after tennis balls for hours.  He also loves being in the water, he is always begging to go to the pool or on the slip and slide.  He loves his new daycare lady, Tammy because she takes him outside and plays a lot of fun things with him.  Last week he made us three cut out pictures.  It was his first experience cutting paper with scissors and he did a really good job.  We hung the pictures on the fridge.  He was so proud of his work!  Good practice for pre-school. 

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