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Thursday, December 11, 2014

A winter hike, christmas lights and unpaid medical bills.

Yesterday I got the bill from Austin's doctor visit.  It was an actual in the clinic doctor visit(not Urgent Care) and all they did was a throat culture that was negative and told me he had a virus.  We have insurance but after getting the bill I feel like having insurance doesn't help much anyway!  When you pay almost 168 dollars a month for medical insurance you would think it would pay more than what it does.  Money is always tight and working every day to have nothing left at the end of each month is frustrating but the high cost of medical insurance is an unfortunate burden for working families that live pay check to pay check.  If you can't pay then you have to take out a loan with a high interest rate to get it paid off or you get sent to collections.  Wow!  Amazing that now a days families are taking out loans to pay for medical bills!  In my mind there is something wrong with that.  I guess I should be thankful that my family is healthy and we don't have to go to the doctor that much.  God forbid you would have any long term medical problems could you ever afford it!  Health is important and it is so sad that most people I know would rather be on their death bed than have to go to the doctor for fear of the expense of it. 
Here are some pictures from my hike yesterday.  

This was my favorite picture of the day.  Was trying to take a picture of a leaf floating down the stream and this is how it turned out.  A blurry mess of color but I love it.  Water Art


Took Austin to see the lights.  We didn't have much time as we had to pick up Riley.  Can't wait to go back with Riley and Austin.  


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