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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Thanksgiving, weddings and family updates

Haven't written in a while. Had a good Thanksgiving. Dressed the kids in their matching outfits and enjoyed some good food. We are so blessed to be surrounded by tons of family it is the best part of the holidays.

My cousin Noelle was married this past weekend on12/1/12. It was a combination wedding. What I mean is it was a Jewish/Lutheran wedding. It was really neat. Noelle's pastor from her church did part of it and Peter's Jewish pastor did part. I really enjoyed the ceremony. They got married just after sunset and they stomped on broken glass after they were married to celebrate their union.  Can't believe Noelle is all grown up and married now.  I have so many memories of Nick, Noelle, Kelly and I when we were growing up.  I remember our Door County vacations and the one year when we hit a deer on our way up North for vacation.  We had to stay in a run down old cabin which was not so nice.  We even saw a squirrel roaming around, how cute that was!  I remember sitting in the back of Pete and Julie's station wagon playing on our way to Door County no seatbelts on.  Now a days kids wear seatbelts until they are practically teenagers.  I remember the time we stayed at a hotel and I got a black eye from getting slammed in the face by the hotel door from Nick accidentally.  I remember birthday parties together, watching "The Peanut butter Solution", eating Kool-Aid and sugar , sledding at Grandma Weber's on Indian hill, dressing up at Aunt Betty's house(Noelle and I in dresses, Kelly as a baseball player), and many more fun memories.  Not only were we cousins but we were good friends.  It is hard to believe we are all grown up now.

Family updates:  Austin has 4 teeth now.  He just got his 2 front teeth in the last 2 weeks.  Breastfeeding is interesting these days.  He can clap his hands now which we just noticed about 3 days ago.  He can walk with a push toy now and he is talking more.  His new favorite words are dadadadada.  Riley says the darndest things.  He loves to be the center of attention and he loves making people laugh.  We have taught him a few jokes and he loves the reaction he gets from them.  "Does your face hurt."  you say "no" he says " well its killing me."  He had fun telling everyone that joke at Thanksgiving, everyone was laughing which of course just eggs him on more.


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