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Monday, February 5, 2018

Little Charmer

Today was a stressful day.  My sister was admitted for appendicitis and had to have emergency surgery to remove her appendix.  She is doing good but an unexpected turn of events.

Then I missed a call at 4:30 from YMCA surround care.  Instantly my heart panics that something happened to the kids.  I was walking out from work and tried to call back with no answer.  So then I listened for a message and the only one was from Jason saying you need to call me immediately!  I started shaking and crying thinking one of my kids must be in the hospital.  I called Jason immediatly to learn that the reason for the call was Austin was misbehaving and we needed to come get him.  Oh boy!!!  I usually get there at 530 anyway so why they couldn't wait until then is beyond me, not to mention it takes me 45 mins to get there anyhow and the roads were slippery.  Seems rediculous they couldn't take him for 40 more mins until I got there. 

Don't get me wrong Austin is being punished for his behavior and we are not taking it lightly as he needs to be respectful and learn how to behave properly.  Jason and are making him go to bed at 730 every night this week with no video games or phone use until Sunday.  He will quickly learn that we will not put up with this behavior!   

Funny thing though, when I arrived at the school I almost knocked myself out walking in the door!  I slipped on ice and smacked my forehead on the door so hard I almost saw stars.  It hurt so bad I had to walk back to my car to let the pain simmer before I could walk in the school.  I had a goose egg already forming.  Luckily no one saw me do it because it was bad! So you can imagine how I looked walking in raging mad at my son, a huge red bump on my forehead and adrenaline pumping through my veins.  It was not Austins lucky day.  I asked the girl what he did and so the story goes...he was told not to play on the mat and being Austie's mischievous self he did not listen.  So then he had a tantrem and ran around the hallways poking at the art on the wall. I was so mad and embarrassed and this is one battle that Austin will not win.  Jason and I both stood our ground together and he knows we mean business.  Riley was there too but he said he did not hear it all so he was not much help on me finding out what happened.  I asked Riley later if I was too angry and his response was funny.  He said "well mom you are always smiling but I knew you were mad because you had a very mean look on your face the entire time. " That made me feel better that he feels I'm usually smiling.

We worked on Valentine's after I finally simmered down enough to look at that smirky five year old that gives me gray hair!  Not sure I want to show my face again at surround care but I guess I will overcome my self consciousness and not be intimidated by others opinions. Sometimes the adrenaline takes over before the brain can think of the rational way to handle the situation. This is my kid and by golly I will do whatever it takes to try to raise him into a respectable human and who cares what people think as long as I am doing what is best for my kid. 

So hopefully someday I can look back at this and laugh.  Hopefully we can continue to do our best to discipline and teach our kids how to be good humans.  I know Austin is stubborn but he has a sweet side too.  He did tell me he loves me tonight.  He then told me he takes that back...because he love, love, loves me.  A charmer this one.

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