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Friday, July 15, 2016

Family Matters, july 4th

Today was a stressful mom day.  Third shift is the worst nightmare on a family.  Opposite schedules creates so many problems and is so unhealthy for kids and marriage.  I am so very used to adapting to any kind of schedule as we have been through many years of third shifting it but it sure has its bad moments.  Tonight I thought it would be a good idea to take the kids to root beer stand for supper down the road.  They wanted to ride there bikes so I walked while they rode.  It is not easy keeping up with two kids on bikes and stressful making sure they get places safely.  Nothing I can't handle but that was not all I had to juggle.  While riding home they wanted to stop at the baseball game that was going on and was packed with parents and people watching the game on a beautiful afternoon.  Started out ok until Austin wanted to go and Riley didn't.  Not much you can do with two kids, two bikes and two different ideas of what to do.  Riley wanted to stay and Austin wanted to go.  Austin being the strong willed(putting it mildly) kid that he is was a hurricane of naughty tonight.  He purposely threw sand in Rileys friends eyes and refused to apologize then kept doing all the things I told him not to just to be naughty.  With two bikes and Riley not wanting to leave it was not exactly an ideal situation to make him go home.  After putting up with his bad attitude I decided enough was enough and told Austin he had to go home in front of a crowd of entertained(more annoyed I'm sure) people.  I told Riley to stay with his friend and I was taking Austin home because of his bad behavior.  Austin proceeded to scream at top of his lungs and flail his body like only a toddler can and I wanted to crawl in a hole and die.  None the less I carried his screaming flailing body all the way home never to return to another baseball game again!  Well at least for a while.=)  Then after getting home he woke Jason up with his screaming so I took that opportunity to go back to the baseball field and get Riley whom I couldn't find because he decided to leave his bike and walk home.  Thus I then had to push two bikes home myself.  What a great time that was.  Life is not always a bowl of cherries and sometimes no matter how hard you try to make lemonade out of lemons it just doesn't turn out very sweet.   

So here are some photos of my sweet, adorable kids but don't let me fool you, we are not the Waltons!

Here are a few July 4th photos.  Gotta love smoke bombs!  I have tons more photos but not in mood to spend time uploading so maybe another time.

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