Spring has finally arrived. Things are blooming, the grass is green and life feels so much sunnier. Funny how the weather makes such a difference in your mood.
Austin is really enjoying soccer. I'm so shocked at how hard he tries. He never takes his eyes off that ball and he is like a tiny beast out there. It is funny, cute and surprising to see him get so into it. Very fun to watch. He had his first game and he loves it.
Riley made the gold team for baseball this year. He is happy with whatever team he plays on and I'm just happy he's happy. Had his first practice tonight and I got to meet all new parents as it is all new kids on his team this year other than 2 kids. He is a pleasure to watch but my favorite part about him is his attitude. Every time I watch him hit the ball I feel my heart is going to beat out of my chest I get so nervous for him. I asked him if he gets nervous and he says he doesn't. I look forward to all the baseball memories again this season. Every season of life brings so much new experiences and I sure cherish the joyful parts. Focus on the joy and keep your chin up through the struggles. Life is not predictable and any moment the curve ball can surprise you. Take the good with the bad and let the bad build character for tomorrow's unexpected curve balls.
Thanks Jessica =)