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Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Fall 2020

 The fall colors this year are amazing.  We are winding down now in our area but it was enjoyable.

Riley and Austin have been busy with virtual school, fall baseball(Riley) and fall soccer (Austin).  They have been busy mountain biking, scootering, fishing, skateboarding and gaming.  So far so good.  

Austin is still doing his piano and rocking it.  

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Good Times

 I don't know what is right or what is wrong.  I don't judge anyone.  I am happy to make it through each day unscathed.  God is good, life is hard but that is how it is.  I am still happy, still hopeful, still joyful and unafraid.  God is good and despite what people think he lives us all the same.  

The colors are beautiful out there.  A good reminder of positive things.  I don't focus on the bad but rather I focus my attention on the good.  Worry... gone!  I realize life is full of real tragedy BUT we have to be thankful for today's blessings because tomorrow is not promised.  Might as well dance in the storm rather than give up.  God has set us free from every bondage SO Hallelujah we are free!  I am not perfect and never will be but no matter what I know that I know that I know God is in control.  He is the beginning and 

the end.  He is my comfort, my shield, my strong tower and will always win in the end.  Every knee shall now and every tounge confess that He is God.   

I put my faith in God...politics are not the answer.  When the mountains fall into the sea my voice will cry out to God not a man.  

Life is beautiful and full of joy!  Be happy ...and above all do not lose your heart for others.   Love is stronger than anything else and love will conquer all.  I don't endorse any political party but the name of Jesus.  My hope is built on nothing less but Jesus blood and rightousness.  

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Monday, October 5, 2020