Went to parent teacher conferences for the kids last week. Both were good and they are both doing well but I learned a lot myself. Riley's teacher, Mrs. Thompson, asked Riley if he helps mom out with the dishes at home. At first I found it odd she brought this up instead of just focusing on school stuff. Still his response made me realize NOW is the time to teach him the important part of keeping a house in order so when he has his own some day he will know how to take care of it responsibly. I realized, quite vividly that me doing everything is teaching my kids nothing! I better teach them household chores now before they get too old and just expect me to clean up after them! What kind of future does a kid who can't even do their own dishes have?
The last three nights I have made them help do the dishes, clean the floors and pick up after themselves. This is the new normal around our house. I may have to write Mrs. Thompson a thank you card thanking her for helping me realize the error in my ways. Riley is almost 9 and he is fully capable of helping around the house. It will only help to make him a better person in the end. Also his future wife will thank me. =)