Photos of the kids at ages 4(Austin) and 7 (Riley). Life has improved now with Jason on first shift after eight years of third shift. Glad he landed first shift finally and especially now with increased busyness as the kids are getting to the age of sports, homework and activities galore. I have to say I am not a math person and having to do second grade math homework almost every night is not the fun part of parenting. I especially despise story problems and the explain your answer problems. Riley hates writing and sometimes getting him to write one full sentence is enough to drive me batty. He excels in math and reading but writing is his nemesis. Patience is a virtue and you truly find out how deep your patient soul goes when you are waiting on an elementary *boy* to finish his homework. This kind of thing is really only understood as an experience. I may be able to keep up with my second grader but I am confident I am not smarter than a 4th grader. Although, I am stubborn. If I cannot understand the concept, so help me God I will google until I understand! If things don't come easy for my kids I see a tutor in their future.
Austie was in his first play at preschool. He played baby bear in Goldilocks and the three bears. It was adorable. He seems to like theatre, art and music. He is already wanting to be in another play that is longer. I like that. =)
I signed Riley up for baseball tonight. We went in stood in line after work to turn in the paper work, pay the fee and pick out what size shirt and hat he will wear. I didn't realize they registered kids so early and that is why we missed it last year. I guess it is nice they are organized and start things early. He is excited to play with his friends from Holmen this year. He also wants to play flag football too. I have a feeling he is going to keep us busy with sports. That's a good thing though and just another reminder why I only have two children. =)
Some adventures.