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Friday, July 22, 2016
Be Light in the Darkness
Feeling inspired tonight even though the world is a dark and evil place to walk through. We do not have cable so I don't always hear about the awful news headlines that continually are flooding the television screens and the social media seems to always make your heart wrench with sorrow. Yet I am a fighter. For some reason I always want to see the bright side. To make lemonade out of lemons. To smile in the face of evil. To laugh when it seems you have been beaten by the enemy. To find the one happy thing in a long list of sad things. To believe in a better tomorrow. To hold on to hope when hope seems forgotten. To find beauty in the ugly. To find peace in chaos. To kindle fire when there is no flame. To find the right path in a maze of wrong ones. To roast marshmallows when the house burns down!
It seems if we give grace then grace is given to us. Just like if we forgive ourselves we can forgive others. Every day we fail but every day we have the choice to dwell on our failure or forgive and move on. Life does not stop if we give up but instead it keeps moving and it seems much wiser to forgive, show grace, show mercy, show kindness and do the best we can to make a darkened world brighter.
It is so interesting how simple life seems to be so much richer than the fancy life. The truth is to him who is given much, much is expected. Less is more. To him who is faithful with little more is given. Greed so easily steels our joy. Greed, comparison, hate, jealousy, depression, anxiety, competition, distraction, pride, false humility, anger, self pity, death, grief, manipulation and so many other evil things in this world fight to steal our joy every day. Life is not for the faint of heart. Most of the time we allow these things to come in and take away the love that conquers all that is a free weapon that wins every time. Yes choosing love does not always look glamorous or even look like the winning force. Choosing love is not the easy way out. In fact some of the most evil people look like they are sitting on thrones of gold and smiling with mounds of money overflowing from their hands. Still money is worthless. True gifts are from heaven and love on earth may sometimes look weak, poor, small and like it is losing. God is not fooled by the witty, charismatic and charm of wolves in sheep clothing. God sees the heart and true riches is not found on this earth. One day God will return for his people and no amount of money can buy the love of God because the love of God is free to those who accept it.
Every day that we are allowed to spend with our loved ones is a gift. Yesterday is gone, today is a gift and tomorrow is not a guarantee on earth at least. No one knows the day or the hour that Jesus will return for his people and if anyone ever claims to know it you can rest assured they are a false witness. Only God knows the day and the hour. Yes we can read the signs but God is the Father of all and he is the one and ONLY who knows. I choose not to fear this world but trust in God.
Politics has become war. We have bought the lie that we cannot dwell together in love and disagree on things. We are too busy preaching our opinion that we forgot to notice the people dyeing around us because of our hate. It is just a matter of time before death and hate touches our families and then it is too late. Why must we be so divided. When will we stand together ... black, white... democrat, republican.... man, woman and child together as one nation under God believing for the hope of tomorrow!
It is time to see the world through different eyes. To look deeper than the surface. To smack evil with love. To step out of the shadows and into the light. To dance in our sorrow. To sing a song of triumph in the midst of defeat. Bullies should never win and it is time to take action rather than be silent when the voice of the bully is heard. God help us to defend the defenseless and have eyes to see the truth. Help us not to enable but to equip for the battle before us. Today we may not have done everything right but if we humble ourselves and pray then tomorrow is a new day!
Every one of us fights a battle daily. Every day when I wake up and walk around in this darkened world that has no guarantees I try to always remember to put on my armor. It is important to always be on guard because there truly are unseen forces that take any opportunity they can get to steal what is promised to us. Being in the medical field I have heard so many sad stories that make you want lose faith, hope and love. I hear people say all the time, including me, "If that happened to me I don't think I could go on." BUT.....the truth is you could go on because that is the only choice you would have and choosing the light is much better than dwelling in darkness. Pity just disables you to fight but hope makes a way! It is good to be content with the lot you are given because thankfulness is a light to the soul.
We may not have everything we want in life but being thankful for what we do have is the best thing we can do for ourselves and for others. There will always be someone with more and someone with less but in the end we are all one big family and what is mine is yours and what is yours is mine. If you lose I lose. If you win I win. Be happy and joyful because life is a precious treasure. If you cant see beauty, find it! Some of the happiest people have the least of things yet they are happy. God help me delight in the simple things and be content with what I have. Life is all about perspective and the least of things can be the richest of things.
Friday, July 15, 2016
Family Matters, july 4th
Today was a stressful mom day. Third shift is the worst nightmare on a family. Opposite schedules creates so many problems and is so unhealthy for kids and marriage. I am so very used to adapting to any kind of schedule as we have been through many years of third shifting it but it sure has its bad moments. Tonight I thought it would be a good idea to take the kids to root beer stand for supper down the road. They wanted to ride there bikes so I walked while they rode. It is not easy keeping up with two kids on bikes and stressful making sure they get places safely. Nothing I can't handle but that was not all I had to juggle. While riding home they wanted to stop at the baseball game that was going on and was packed with parents and people watching the game on a beautiful afternoon. Started out ok until Austin wanted to go and Riley didn't. Not much you can do with two kids, two bikes and two different ideas of what to do. Riley wanted to stay and Austin wanted to go. Austin being the strong willed(putting it mildly) kid that he is was a hurricane of naughty tonight. He purposely threw sand in Rileys friends eyes and refused to apologize then kept doing all the things I told him not to just to be naughty. With two bikes and Riley not wanting to leave it was not exactly an ideal situation to make him go home. After putting up with his bad attitude I decided enough was enough and told Austin he had to go home in front of a crowd of entertained(more annoyed I'm sure) people. I told Riley to stay with his friend and I was taking Austin home because of his bad behavior. Austin proceeded to scream at top of his lungs and flail his body like only a toddler can and I wanted to crawl in a hole and die. None the less I carried his screaming flailing body all the way home never to return to another baseball game again! Well at least for a while.=) Then after getting home he woke Jason up with his screaming so I took that opportunity to go back to the baseball field and get Riley whom I couldn't find because he decided to leave his bike and walk home. Thus I then had to push two bikes home myself. What a great time that was. Life is not always a bowl of cherries and sometimes no matter how hard you try to make lemonade out of lemons it just doesn't turn out very sweet.
So here are some photos of my sweet, adorable kids but don't let me fool you, we are not the Waltons!
Here are a few July 4th photos. Gotta love smoke bombs! I have tons more photos but not in mood to spend time uploading so maybe another time.
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