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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Perrot Park Sunset Pictures

Today was open house night at Riley's new school.  We took all his school supplies in and he was able to meet his teacher who turns out to be a girl I graduated from high school with.  I really like her and am so glad she will be his teacher.  He got to see where his kindergarten room is and where he will be sitting.  He seemed excited and content so I am hoping all goes well. 

After supper I took the kids to Perrot Park for the sunset.  The last few nights were amazing and tonight was nice too. 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Sunset Run

I am so proud of myself, I have went running almost every day for 20-40 mins for the last few weeks.  Slowly I have been building up my running time and I feel so energized since I started.  I have only lost 3 pounds but I feel so good.  I forgot how much I love running. 

Tonight I ran at the school track across the street and towards the end of my run the sky was a glowing red and orange color I haven't seen  in a long time.  All I could think was "I wish I had my camera."  I actually ran home got in the car and tried to get some shots before it was gone.  I pretty much missed it.  I stopped at Holmen High School of all places to try to get some sunset shots.  I even walked in some trees behind the school trying for a better view and got my legs all scratched in a rose bush.  What was I thinking?  Know what you are stepping into before just dive in to get that perfect picture like a crazy, lunatic and weird person!  I ended up taking panning shots of the cars on the street and pictures of Holmen High school because they sky looked so cool.  The pictures were actually more interesting than I thought.  I kind of liked them.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

A Day to Myself

Had a nice weekend.  Went to a work picnic on Friday night and took the kids with.  It was at Old Hickory Park in La Crescent.  They had fun playing kick ball and hanging out with my work friends kids.  On the drive home saw a beautiful sunset by some sunflowers as a bonus.

Sunday I went to the Winona Scenic Look out and the Great River Bluff State Park.  On my way to the state park there were some cool sunflowers on the side of the road.  Sweet!

Here are some pics of Austin on the poddy.  He has gone a few times now.

Went for a walk tonight.  Jason told me to do what I wanted to do today and take a day for myself.  I did a lot.  Stayed outside even with a heat index of 100.  It really didn't feel that hot to me.