Please do not take my photos without my permission.

Monday, March 31, 2014

There is always tomorrow.

Today pretty much sucked.  This morning Riley woke up at 4am because his night light burnt out, then somehow he ended up in my bed until it was time to get up and I let him because I was too tired to protest. 

One minute prior to heading out the door for work/school, Riley bonked the corner of his eye on the corner of our coffee table.  He was screaming bloody murder and I was afraid to even look.  His eye was bleeding but luckily no severe damage, he just looked like he got punched.  That was probably a good topic at school today.  When I picked him up he said the teacher took him to the school nurse and he got an ice pack to put on it.  Poor kid.

After work I had the bright idea to take the kids to A & W for supper because Jason hadn't slept all day and I thought it would be good to get out of the house.  I forgot that two kids in a public restaurant is a lot of work and one does not have enough hands to take on this small, yet stressful task.  The kids were good but Riley had to sit next to me in the booth and then Austin had a fit because he wanted to sit next to me too.  So I was at a booth with one kid on my lap and the other right next to me.  Then I ordered a PLAIN chz burger kids meal for Rye and of course they delivered it with pickles on it.  I took the pickles off right away and since there was nothing else to scrape off I thought it would be fine.  Riley took a few bites before he declared "the cheese tasted funny like pickle juice or something."  I was not about to wait another 20 minutes for them to make another burger so I somehow got him to eat most of it even with the pickle juice taste on it. 

Riley of course has to go to the bathroom during our meal too.  When I left to help him Austin started fussing so I let him go in the men's room alone to go poop.  He came out when he was done, with his pants up at least, asking if I could check his butt.  He is not the best wiper and at home he always wants us to check and make sure it is wiped good but at the restaurant I could have done without a butt check. 

Finally we were about done eating and I was getting ready to go.  The waitress comes over and asks if the kids would like their ice cream cones now or to go.  What do you think they wanted?  They wanted them now.  So we got some tall, soft serve, drippy, messy cones for my kids to eat with just me trying to keep them from making a huge mess.  That was a challenge when both cones were dripping all over.  Fun times at A & W.   

So that was my day. 

There is always tomorrow.=)

Sunday, March 30, 2014


First 60 degree day of the year.  It was a nice day for a family drive.  Drove to Eau Claire to see what we could see.  All the snow around here is melted but Eau Claire had quite a bit of snow on the ground.  That made for lots of muddy puddles at the park.  Yuck!  Of course kids can't help but jump in them. 

Austin seems curious about the poddy....

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Nice day

Today was great.  Breathtaking and beautiful.  Drove to Winona and stopped at a new Antique place.  It was like heaven!  Three different floors and at least 7-8 different rooms full of antiques, second hand treasures and crafts.  How have I never been to this place before!  My kind of heaven.  Found some good treasures at a great price and had a blast browsing.  My mom found an amazing bench that was such a steal.  The same bench would cost 200 dollars at "Treehouse" and she bought it for 26 bucks!  It is really nice and she gave it to me!  I put it in my entry way and it fits perfect!  Just like it was meant to be.  I LOVE it and am so thankful to her for giving it to me.  I am blessed!

Had to snap some pictures of this gorgeous day.


I just love taking pictures of the excellence of nature.  Life is not perfect and it is not always easy but no matter what there is always something perfect to take a picture of that is outside of our little world of chaos.    

Here are some pictures of the kids.

Riley's art projects from school this week.

Austin the artist.

Showing me his muscles.

Tomorrow is supposed to be a high of 64!  I am so excited!  I can't wait to open the windows and let some fresh air in.   

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Long weekend

Had a nice weekend and couple extra days off.  Drove to visit my sister in Milwaukee on Saturday with my mom and the kids.   We went to a pizza place similar to Chuck E Cheese for dinner and fun.  Riley had tons of fun playing games and we couldn't wait to get out of there!  Ha!  It was a crazy mess of kids running all over, it felt like 90 degrees in there and as my mom said it "Getting Austin to stay by us was like trying to walk a cat."  The important thing is Riley had fun. 

I bet this person is used to people taking pictures of his yard.  Kind of crazy.

The kids were very good on the drive there and back and slept decent.  Austin had a little cold so he woke up a couple times but otherwise slept good.  We had a play date with Kelly's best friend and her two kids.  They are about the same ages, Taylor gave Riley a truck to take home.  He was thrilled but not more than five minutes after we got home he had it broken from trying to jump it in the snow.  He was crying like it was the end of the world and I told him don't worry dad can fix it.  Dad couldn't fix it but by that time Riley was over it and playing with something else.  It was very nice of Taylor to give Riley the truck.

Jason left for a fishing trip in Illinois tonight.  He went with a friend so that makes me feel better knowing he isn't alone somewhere fishing.  He will be gone a couple nights.  It is kind of nice having the house to myself every now and then but tomorrow is going to suck having to get up at the crack of dawn and get the kids ready all by myself.  Oh well it is good to be joining the real world again.

Here are a few new décor items I couldn't live without.  I bought the antique looking ashtray, not sure how else to describe it, at Hobby Lobby.  It came with plates in it but then I found the swiveling picture boxes and they fit into the tray slots perfectly.  Now I just want to sit in my living room and stare at it because I love it so much.  Ha!