Please do not take my photos without my permission.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Crafty Fun

Today I had the day off.  I dropped off our paperwork for getting our taxes done and dropped off the paperwork for Riley's enrollment into Kindergarten.  Then I stopped at all the thrift stores in the area to see what treasures I might find.  I have been inspire to decorate lately and when you have something in mind it is so fun to thrift store shop to find good deals.  I love the color turquoise and I was thinking of putting some of that color in our kitchen.  I got 2 frames from my parents garage and painted one turquoise.  This morning I brought it out to show Jason and tell him my plans of putting it in the kitchen.  He did not like the idea so as it turns out I will be decorating the upstairs bathroom in turquoise instead.  Riley was totally on my side and thought the frame was so cool and that we should put it in the kitchen.  "Dad, let mom put it up, I like the color purpoise!"  LOL!  Still I am excited to decorate the bathroom.  Instead in the kitchen I am going to paint my other frame burnt orange, which Jason is ok with. 

Here are my works in progress for frame projects.  I painted the frame of my long mirror black to put in my room and hang pictures on with clothespins. 


Sunday, January 26, 2014

Another Cold Winter Weekend

This weekend was cold, windy and boring.  Jason had to work both Saturday and Sunday night so that sucked.  It would be nice if it would warm up outside for more than a day or two. 

I did finish my decorating in our bedroom.  Had a lot of fun doing it.  Now I can start decorating another room in the house.

Today we didn't leave the house at all.  I tried to do some fun things to keep the kids occupied so Jason would get some sleep.  I am sure we were still loud and Jason never complains but I don't like being cooped in the house.  We had some fun anyway.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Ebay success

My first e bay experience was a success.  I had my heart set on a DSLR camera so I can learn how to take pictures setting my own aperture and exposure.  I researched online and decided a Nikon D40 would be the most affordable to go with for a first time DSLR.  I bid on about 4 different cameras and lost every time so then I researched how to be the bidding winner and the fifth time I won.  Buying something on e bay was nerve racking and stressful because it is hard to trust someone else without seeing the product and trying it out first.  I have to say I am not disappointed with the outcome and my camera is in excellent condition and I got it at less than half the price of a brand new one.  So now I just have to learn how to use this thing.  Thank God you can still take photos with auto because until I learn the manual way it is of no use to me.  It will be fun learning how to use it though. 


Friday, January 24, 2014

New poster print

Here is my new picture I ordered for my room. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Attempting to decorate. 

I am so proud of my picture that I made. 


Sunday, January 19, 2014


My weekend was great. 

Yesterday my parents watched the kids for me for a few hours so I could clean and organize the house.  A clean house always makes me feel good even if it does only last a couple days before it returns to the normal state of chaos.  I took about 4 bags of clothes and many other odds and ends to Goodwill and it sure feels good to let go of some of our excess.  I organized all the bedrooms and I feel like I can breath a little now.

Last night we made cookies and I let Riley help me.  While we were putting the cookies on the pan Riley says "Mom, I really like you.  You are fun."  Those are the moments that make life worth living.  Simple moments like that are better than anything money can buy you.  Life is so busy and stressful that it can be easy to forget to appreciate the simplicity of true happiness.  When I stop and think about it I feel truly happy on the inside regardless of the stress that surrounds me.  Thank God for simple things like singing songs with your kids, watching a sunrise or sunset or enjoying a day with a close friend.  Taking a walk on a warm sunny day, spending time with your family or feeling the presence of God.  Watching a good movie, drinking a hot cup of coffee or enjoying a glass of wine at the end of the day.  Going for a Sunday drive, reading a good book or listening to your favorite music.  Building a snowman with your kids, playing hide and go seek or listening to the laughter of a child  We could name so many awesome things that we can enjoy every day at little or no cost at all.  The little things can bring so much joy and sometimes the less you have the better off you are. 


Was able to get out for some snow shoeing this morning with Linda.  It was a refreshing walk.  So glad we got out before the freeze sets in tomorrow.

Linda and Ken's favorite spot at Perrot Park. 

I have to say we made a cute little snow man!

Austin seemed a little afraid of him.

Life is a work of art.  I am not a talented artist but I can appreciate the beautiful canvas life surrounds me with every day.
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