There are many things in life that can lead you to an evil place. From the day we enter this world each one of us has the God given choice to choose right or wrong. As babies we are exempt from the choosing as we are too young to understand but as toddlers we know when we are not choosing to be good little boys or girls. As the years go by we learn lessons to help us choose the right thing but more often than not we choose the wrong thing and suffer the consequences. Sometimes in life right and wrong are obvious choices but sometimes right and wrong can be hard to decipher. For example: Some people might think drinking beer is a sin and is blatantly the wrong kind of behavior but others might think there is no harm in enjoying beer every now and then. Some people may think Halloween is a pagan holiday and by partaking in the festivities you are worshiping Satan and therefore you have clearly made the wrong choice. Although others may argue that Halloween is simply a day to dress up like your favorite super hero and enjoy getting lots of candy from your neighbors who love to see those dressed up little ones at the door yelling "trick or treat!" Some people believe being a certain denomination is the "right" religion and all others are therefore "wrong". Others may believe that loving Jesus is the only "right" religion no matter what denomination you choose and all others are "wrong." Some people may believe that being gay is a choice and if chosen will lead you to hell. Others may believe they were born gay and have no other choice because it is how God created them. Some people believe watching reality shows, rated R movies, or listening to secular music is wrong and yet others watch these things all the time and feel no conviction whatsoever. Some people believe abortion is wrong and should never be allowed as a choice for anyone and others believe it is a woman's choice what she can do with her body. Some people blame President Bush for all the shortcomings of this world, while others point the finger to President Obama for every negativity to occur. Some people believe republican is the "right" choice and others believe democrat is the "right" choice. The list goes on and on and on. You could sit and debate about each side for years and years and years and yet most of the time either side will always agree to disagree. We live in a world of extravagant differences and every day we see just how different we all are from each other. Yet each one of us are special, important, cherished, respected and unique. Our lives have made us who we are and only God can change us into the "right" image we are to be.
Every day I hear arguing, I see judgment, I see pain and I feel sad. This world is made up of a bunch of people who simply cannot agree to disagree. Either side is always raging against the other. The people who believe one way stay together and the people who believe the other way stay together. Both sides scream and yell, throw tantrums, make fun of, pick on, bully and gossip about each other. The funny thing is both sides think they are the righteous ones! Seems like we have all retorted to toddlers who can't get along with one another, me included! How do we expect to raise our children to act like adults when we ourselves are acting like kids!
Sometimes I find myself wondering, "What does Jesus choose?" "What side would Jesus take?" "Would he take any side at all?" "Does Jesus agree with what I believe?" One person is willing to spend their whole life believing one thing and another person who is just as worthy has the opposite belief. Both think in the end the other will find out they were wrong and have to suffer the consequences. Very interesting this world we live in with all the different opinions. I hope to agree with God but I know that most of the time I don't. Sadly, I probably think I am. Thankfully we can rest on God's grace knowing he forgives us our shortcomings and leads is into all truth. It is comforting to know that in the battle of "right" and "wrong", Jesus always wins in the end no matter what we agree upon or disagree upon here on earth.
The next time I see someone post something on Facebook bullying one side or the other I will fight the urge to do the same and hope we can all just get along regardless of our personal beliefs.